Main idea: Become more effective dealing with conflict by listening to your body...its one of the greatest little secrets to staying in control of your emotions. We are going to build on our conversation of two weeks ago dealing with Attachments. Please stay with us because this is one powerful concept to becoming more effective in your life. To prepare: think of a conflict in your life that actually created a physical reaction in you and print off today’s support material titled “Dealing With Conflict.”
Getting into ACTION...the ability to take a thought and turn it into reality. We have the incredible gift to harness the power of our minds and actually make something happen. While we aren’t levitating objects, it is pretty incredible to realize the potential we have once we make the commitment, the decision. Go to and print off today’s support material called Getting into Action.
Main idea: Attachments. You can be free from getting sucked into the conflict drama when you understand this one powerful concept and identify your own attachment. To prepare: picture a conflict in your life that is winding-you-up and go to and print off today’s support material.
Main idea: Ineffective dialogue gives the same results as running your car without oil; things seize-up! If you are observing the performance degrading implications of ineffective dialogue, then today is the day to make a change. To prepare: