Okay, it’s time to get started on today’s STARPOWER Coaching session. Over the course of this day you will be crafting your future one decision at a time; Stay in bed or get up? Make the bed or not? Get dressed or go slob? Eat junk or healthy? Movie or video game? Nap or study? Resume or solitaire? When this day is over and you are heading to bed, Coach wants you to be able to say, “I Chose Success.” Get today's handout.
Let’s stay healthy and get busy living! Success in this crazy economy goes to those whose minds are flexible, adaptable and open to new possibilities. It’s time for us to take a blank sheet of paper and begin creating possibilities for generating personal revenue…and creating our next best future. Go to MyValueTree.com, under STARPOWER, and get today’s handout and enjoy looking at today’s donuts…compliments of Ali over at Luke’s Donuts in Avon. He’s still at it Ray.
“Perception is key to resilience,” was the opening statement from the last time we were together. Back then, our world was an unsettled place…teacher’s strikes, shootings at YouTube, the FL High School, and TN Waffle house, assault rifle ban, troops to the border and E.Coli in romaine lettuce. Tainted lettuce…seems quaint by today’s standards. People were feeling besieged and we worked on the power of bouncing back. Today we focus on coming to terms with our new reality. Stand by, Saturday morning STARPOWER Coaching begins shortly.
Today is a great day for a skills inventory. The goal of our Saturday coaching sessions is to thrive in uncertain times…and my friends, this economy is still uncertain. We have been pushing hard for two years, but now is not the time to grow complacent. Stop by MyValueTree.com and be ready right after weather and sports.