'Gang fight' at Black Friday sale... ,Man Punched in Face Pulls Gun On Line-Cutting Shopper...,Shots fired outside WALMART... just some of the headlines from yesteryear. Come on people, this is NOT who we are. Coach has some focused words as we come through Thanksgiving. Prepare for our coaching session by getting today’s handout on respect at MyValueTree.com and be ready right after weather and sports.
There is nothing worse than totally misguided efforts, except for the fact that you are to blame. Ouch. Does my perception of reality cause me to do the wrong things? We will explore how to Unlock the Block when Saturday morning coaching begins. Get prepared with our five point model available at MyValueTree.com and be here right after wonderful weather and spectacular sports.
You can be a star, by just being who you are! When your moment arrives will you be ready? Ready to get into action to fill the unique roll in life that only you can do? Be why you are here. Saturday morning coaching is soon to begin. Get your STARPOWER model at MyValueTree.com and be here right after the weather and sports.
“Let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am,” goes the saying. Dogs are incredibly loyal…are you worthy of their loyalty? The same is true between you and those you work for. Are they to be trusted with your loyalty? Misplaced loyalties are a liability explored in our STARPOWER coaching session, right after weather and sports.