Your mind is truly yours. It is an amazing gift. It directs your life and gives you your results. If you don’t like what is going on in your life…the decisions you are making…it is time to check your thinking. Last week we started an exploration of Critical Thinking. It is so foundational to our success, Coach is spending several sessions on it. Today we focus on a Critical Thinking Audit…a simple guide for your thinking. Saturday Morning Coaching begins now.
Your mind is the Central Processing Unit of your life. Everything you do is controlled by your mind. You are constantly receiving stimuli, you run it through filters and select what comes into your mind. Chris Argyrus, former Harvard Professor, called this the ladder of inference. This is the starting point for how you captain your life. Saturday Morning Coaching is here to help you have the most successful journey possible. We begin now…
I just got out of a meeting with the CEO of a mid-size, precision manufacturing company. His job is to fix the company. We spent a lot of time discussing the people who report to him and if it is possible to create a team. What a great question. Coach is going to bring some insight to you today on the conversations that go on about you. STARPOWER begins now.
Welcome back to Saturday Morning Coaching---with Coach Davis. My goal is to inspire and help you succeed. I firmly believe as Napoleon Hill would say that “thoughts are things.” All our action, all our action starts with a thought somewhere in our mind. Someone just said, what about an impulse…or is that manifested from a thought as well? Let’s just work with “thoughts are things.” That means they ultimately impact what we do. Print off today’s handout of the STARPOWER model. Saturday Morning Coaching begins, now.