
Saturday Morning Coaching

Thrive in Uncertain Times with Saturday Morning coaching on WTIC1080, Connecticut's #1 Newstalk radio station. Join Coach Davis and explore how you apply the 5-point model designed to get you into action. Someone is going to be very successful today...why not you? Get the model at and click the Starpower tab.
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Saturday Morning Coaching







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Nov 15, 2020

You can be a star, by just being who you are!  When your moment arrives will you be ready?  Ready to get into action to fill the unique roll in life that only you can do?  Be why you are here.  Saturday morning coaching is soon to begin.  Get your STARPOWER model at and be here right after the weather and sports.

Nov 6, 2020

“Let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am,” goes the saying.  Dogs are incredibly loyal…are you worthy of their loyalty?  The same is true between you and those you work for.  Are they to be trusted with your loyalty?  Misplaced loyalties are a liability explored in our STARPOWER coaching session, right after weather and sports. 

Oct 31, 2020

When do your beliefs become a barrier?  Let’s wake-up to the power of our beliefs and how they either help or hinder in the creation of an exciting future.  It’s almost time for STARPOWER, our Saturday morning coaching session.  Today’s handout waits for you at  Get it and get back here after weather and sports.

Oct 24, 2020

Your reputation.  What an important ingredient to your success and ability to thrive during these challenging times.  Coach is going to tell you what goes on in the executive conference room and why this topic is of utmost importance to you.  Get a head start by going to and taking the Reputation Round-up.  Time for a redo?  We’ll see, right after weather and sports. 

Oct 16, 2020

Live your life large, share your enthusiasm with those around you because you make a difference!  You count!  Cannonball life and make a big splash.  This isn’t the Olympics.

Get your STARPOWER chart at and be ready, right here, after weather and sports.

Oct 10, 2020

Networks are a key part of your STARPOWER success.  You can supercharge your networks with connectors, mavens and persuaders.  Possible?  We take-off with the work of Malcolm Gladwell in Tipping Point.  Are you a connector?  Get out to for a quick assessment.  We begin right after weather and sports.

Oct 3, 2020

Waiting, crouched, ready to pounce... fear is waiting to take you down.  Session number 5 in our summer series is soon to begin as we delve into the secrets of success as researched by Napoleon Hill and presented in his book Think and Grow Rich.  I don’t care what the jobs numbers are; we CAN thrive in uncertain times with our STAR POWER.  Catch-up by getting out to and get ready; we begin right after weather and sports.   

Sep 26, 2020

A mechanism exists that mobilizes your success.  Session number 4 in our summer series is soon to begin as we delve into the secrets of success as researched by Napoleon Hill and presented in his book Think and Grow Rich.  We CAN thrive in uncertain times with our STAR POWER.  Catch-up by getting out to and get ready; we begin right after weather and sports.

Sep 19, 2020

An amazing source of energy exists within most of us this morning for obtaining our desires.  Energy, so powerful, that when harnessed, great things are created.  We explore being motivated by a love interest;   more specifically, transmuting sex energy into creative power.  Session number 3 in our summer series is soon to begin as we delve into the secrets of success as researched by Napoleon Hill and presented in his book Think and Grow Rich.  Catch-up by getting out to and get ready; we begin right after weather and sports.

Sep 11, 2020

Mastering the future.  You can master bike riding, you can master cooking, you can master skiing.  Do you believe you can master the future?  We continue our summer series delving into the secrets of success uncovered by Napoleon Hill, presented in his book Think and Grow Rich.  I have a vintage video of Napoleon Hill talking about today’s subject posted for you at  Get ready; we begin right after weather and sports here on WTIC Newstalk.   

Sep 4, 2020

We are coming into the half-way point of the year and it is time for a check-up to keep our minds right.  We begin our summer series delving into the secrets of success uncovered by Napoleon Hill, presented in his book Think and Grow Rich.  Meet Napoleon Hill and get introduced to the power of your thoughts with the video posted for you at and let’s begin right after weather and sports.

Aug 29, 2020

While many consider Memorial Day the kick-off to summer, we are going to be a bit more circumspect today and consider what this day actually means.  Many people have already demonstrated what THEY would die for…what about you?  What would you trade your life for?  Contemplative thoughts this morning right after weather and sports.  Join us.

Aug 22, 2020

Graduation weekend has arrived in CT and it is an exciting time for everyone.  Graduates are preparing for the culmination of their educational journey and family and friends are there to cheer them on.  Desire and Determination got them to this day.  If your determination has gotten diluted check-out today’s links at and be here after weather and sports for Persistence overcomes Resistance.

Aug 15, 2020

Stand out from the pack, stand up for something important and be outstanding.  Leadership can be cultivated and you can start today.  There is a Leadership Assessment waiting for you at  Print it off and get ready; we begin right after weather and sports.

Aug 8, 2020

Which do you think is better:  Living in a world of scarcity where we all fight over a shrinking pie or growing the pie and giving everyone a chance to enjoy?  My thinking has been stretched since we last met by getting to work in Abu Dhabi and St. Louis.  Pointed thoughts from Coach today beginning right after weather and sports.

Aug 1, 2020

Britain’s Got Talent delivered another smack-down for Simon Cowell with the Jonathan/Charlotte duet.  Our STARPOWER today will inspire you and challenge you with the question, “Why do you make me work so hard to see who you are?”  Today we go from Sneers to Cheers.  Wake-up.  An inspiring video awaits you at  Be ready for STAR POWER right after weather and sports.

Jul 25, 2020

Birds are freshening up their plumage, trees are putting on new leaves, flowers are surprising us.  Spring is bursting forth with a new look…are you?  Freshen up your perspective and creativity with a new self image.  A great photo is posted for you this morning  of Erica Van Pelt’s incredible transformation on American Idol to show you what’s possible.  Wake-up and be ready for STAR POWER right after weather and sports.  

Jul 17, 2020

With all the pressures in today’s world have you become cranky?  How about frustrated, snippy or short?  Today may be the perfect time for an attitude adjustment;  getting your emotional state popped back into alignment.  Get today’s handout at and spend some time with Coach Davis, your emotional chiropractor  this morning right after weather and sports.     

Jul 10, 2020

Little self-centered bubbles,  oblivious to those around us.  So wrapped up in our self-importance that we fail to realize the impact we have on other people. Our Saturday coaching is about thriving in uncertain times, and today we explore Daniel Goleman’s thoughts on Social Intelligence and new revelations of neuroscience.  I have a great video posted of Daniel Goleman introducing the concept of social intelligence at  Get ready and get right back here after weather and sports.

Jul 4, 2020

Remember the days of “generic products” in the grocery store;  those plain yellow packages with the food item labeled in black?  Are you a generic “employee” or is there something special about you?  Get ready for some real coaching today on Image Management…the power of perception that I learned from the #1 ad agency in Manhattan.  Wake up, because right after weather and sports we begin.

Jun 23, 2020

For the loyal podcast group, a message just for you.  Here is the story about how STARPOWER started and a request for topics that are of interest to you.  Look forward to hearing your thoughts at

Jun 6, 2020

Great song by Dylan to bring us into today’s STARPOWER coaching session on a most important subject…You gotta serve somebody.  Ray, I’m not feeling the upbeat vibe today, but it’s a good thing I can choose not to serve negative feelings.  As Coach, my job is not political/social commentary, however, I must be sensitive to what’s happening.  My job is to inspire and help keep our minds at peak effectiveness to live our best possible lives.

May 31, 2020

So glad you are with us this morning as we embark on another journey guided by our STARPOWER model that integrates Attitude, Appearance, Abilities, Associations and Accountability; 5-points designed to get us into Action.  Today we launch into a most important discussion, with some actionable tips, inspired by a meeting I was in this week.  What impressed me was the hopefulness with which each person shared.  They each talked about the measures they were taking to ensure healthy practices for their business and customers.    It was a very positive time.  And that’s where I want to begin…Hopefulness.

May 23, 2020

 STARPOWER coaching is here today.  So glad you are with us this morning as we will be guided by our 5-point model designed to get us into Action and thrive in these crazy times.  Coach has a great link posted for you along with podcasts at  What’s on deck, Coach, you may be wondering?  We are going to have some fun with resiliency in a way that will give you some actionable tips so that with finesse and ease you can deal with these stupid curve balls that life keeps throwing at us. 

May 16, 2020

Why are we the only species on the planet that need laws to keep each other safe?  We had to pass the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) due to the lack of workplace safety…and here we go again with the same issues in the public domain.  Why should taking care of one’s own body be such a struggle and what does it mean for the future we are creating?  Our purpose today is to appreciate that Murphy will be with us as we birth a new normal, and to quickly embrace our new life.  Time to focus…STARPOWER starts now.  Today's Handout click here.

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