Make yourself indispensible at work and home by improving the quality of your thinking. Give yourself an edge by becoming a critical thinker. When everyone else is falling apart in the despair of emotional thinking, you can bring excellence in thought. While each of us thinks, it is shocking just how much is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed and down-right prejudiced. Today, we will tinker with the thinker. Be here after weather and sports on WTIC, where we care to coach.
What a long time to be apart with many miles in between. In the past seven weeks I have been with numerous groups and am sad to report the number of times Coach was in the damage path of bad bosses; trying to rebuild, re-energize, reengage, refresh wonderful people who are mission driven, hard working, heart totally in the game people. Bad bosses, you are put on notice! Today Coach delivers a wake-up call to all bad bosses who shut down people’s potential and make our organizations less competitive.